This guide will help you in creating beautifully designed Youtube banners that will help to convert one-time channel visitors into subscribers.

What is YouTube Banner?

A Youtube banner is like a cover photo that appears across the top of your channel page. The YouTube banner (also known as a Channel Header Image) is the largest and most prominent image on your YouTube channel. It helps to set the tone of your channel identity and give visitors a flavour of your videos.

Behaving in a similar way to a fantastic book cover design, a thoughtfully designed banner will help to communicate the mood and style of your videos and brand, while enticing visitors into exploring the video content you have on offer.

Consider this your ultimate guide to creating beautifully designed YouTube banners that will help to convert one-time channel visitors into regular viewers and subscribers. We’ll take a look at best practice for sizing and designing your banner, as well as put forward five creative ideas for making the most of that lucrative banner space.

What Size Should a YouTube Banner Be?

Viewers can access YouTube from a wide range of screen sizes, from large-scale TV screens to mobile devices. So, there’s a fine art to getting the sizing and layout of your banner just right.

A banner size of 2560 x 1440 pixels, with a minimum dimension of 2048 x 1152 pixels and a file size limit of 6MB is recommended by YouTube. 

The larger size of the banner makes the visitor viewing on big smart TV view banner clearly. Also,  the banner will adapt flexibly to a range of devices with different screen sizes devices such as phones, tablets, desktops, laptops. Smaller screens reduce the height of the banner considerably, cropping off the top and bottom areas of your large image. The width of the image also reduces incrementally as screen size reduces.

The main things to keep in mind when designing a YouTube banner are that:

You should always design the banner to its maximum dimensions (2560 x 1440 px) to ensure the image has sufficient height and appears crisp and clear on large screens. 

You should place the key elements of your banner, such as text, logos and the main subject of images, inside the “safe area.“ This is the size the banner will reduce to on the smallest screen size (1546 x 423 px). how to design a banner video creative ideas for banners

The safe zone of 1546 x 423 px dimensions for placing essential content on your banner. 

Creative Ideas for designing the banner

Keeping the size limitations of your banner in mind, focus on creating an eye-catching layout with a strong central focus. Combine a photo of the channel’s star, a logo, or channel title with your brand colour palette, graphic shapes, or interesting backgrounds to create a professional look quickly and easily.

You can create a banner design using any 2D design software, such as Shutterstock Editor, Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe InDesign. Set the dimension unit to pixels and the colour mode to web-friendly RGB, and you’re good to go!

Some online websites or apps to make banner easily.  They offer premade layouts/preset with customizable templates that make the stunning banner.

How to Upload Your Banner to Your YouTube Channel

After you have made your banner, it’s time to upload your design to YouTube. Remember, your image should be in JPEG, PNG, or GIF format.

  1. First, sign in to your YouTube account. Then click on the thumbnail for the drop-down menu at top-right, and click Your channel.

  1. Click anywhere onto the blank banner area, then upload an image from your computer.

  1. A preview of the banner will appear in a new window showing you how your YouTube banner displays across different screen sizes. If you want to, you can adjust the crop to reposition the image.


Congratulations, Your brand new Banner is show off to the world. Your YouTube banner is now standing proudly at the top of your channel, ready to draw in viewers and hopefully contribute to conversions.