Instagram is the favorite and most used social media app. Instagram is not only famous among Photographers, and Designers but it is also used by the people of every profession.

First, change your camera app’s settings:- 

  • Take Underexposed Photos

A lot of amateur photographers take pictures in extreme brightness. The details and highlights of the picture get lost in extremely bright pictures. Adjust the exposure of the camera and shoot your pics a little darker. You can always adjust the exposure and brighten up the subject during post-production editing.

  • Take photos without HDR

Always turn off HDR on your camera as it can make your photos look very overdone and processed. The over-processed and overdone pictures won’t do much to drive engagement on your Instagram account.

  • Don’t Rely on Autofocus
    If you are taking quick in-the-moment snaps, then it’s okay to rely on autofocus. But controlling the focus manually will give a better picture. Beautifully focused pictures can do a lot for your Instagram profile. To focus on a particular feature, you have to just tap on that specific feature of your subject which you want to highlight and then take the photo. 

  • Avoid Using Flash
    Flash is useful if the lighting is low. But sometimes, it ruins the overall quality of the photo. When flash a strike on a reflective surface, the details in the photo get lost.

Never overdo with filters
Instagram also have options to add filters in your images. Adding effects will result in making awesome posts. And if you are using filters, don’t get carried away. Too strong of a filter on your picture can ruin the natural lighting. So, if you are using one, don’t overdo it by applying the filter to its fullest intensity. Stop the intensity of the filter the moment you start noticing the picture getting deviating from natural lighting. Keep experimenting with different levels of filters to identify the ideal level to use in your pictures. When you chose your favorite filter, you can use the slider by tapping on the thumbnail next to that filter. You can see the slider, which you can drag to control or adjust the intensity of the filter. Also, be mindful when selecting filters to ensure they align with the overall theme of your Instagram feed. 

Turn Your Phone Upside Down

Instagram is a graphical social media, the posts you create should be attractive enough to get audience engagement. One of the best ways to take interesting photos is by adding foreground elements to it. All you need to use your creativity while taking even a simple photo. YOu can use some color films to add effects in your photo.

Take advantage of Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are popular, and they are attractive and engaging. It’s fun to post Instagram Stories and tell your audience what you are up to. It will also help you to increase the number of followers you have and your engagement rate. As stories are available for 24 hours, it will be like a moving still of a movie. Now you can save your stories on your profile by which viewers can view any time. You can use this Archive Story features to display your portfolio.

Write Captions wisely.

A picture says a lot than words, but do not make mistake by thinking that your captions are not as important as your pictures. Use the caption space very cleverly to engage your followers. It doesn’t matter if you have a few hundred or thousands of followers. Always decide on captions which will help you get the attention of your followers. You can write an interesting fact or ask a question. Write something that describes the content of the post. 

Hashtags are also an interesting way of getting the attention of Instagram users. You should do a little research and find out the top trending hashtags related to your topic. Also, remember not to flood all of your captions with the allotted 30 hashtags. That’s going to look spammy and messy, and it doesn’t give a good first impression. Add the most important hashtags in the caption. You can also add a comment to your post using other relevant hashtags that will get you more audience. As you can see in the screenshot below, the caption of the post is very minimalistic. And they have only used the most relevant hashtags in the caption.

Use Grids

Use the grid feature from the camera app to align your subject exactly in the middle of the frame. Grids can be turned on by tapping on the setting or gear icon within the camera app.

Grids help in aligning the subject while cropping pictures too. The grid feature can enhance the feature of the picture. It helps in keeping a good mixture of foreground and background. This, in turn, will increase your followers and boost your engagement rate.

Prefer Quality Over Quantity

Posting regularly makes the audience engagement growing. You should maintain consistency. But keep your quality post. Do not run a race to post hundreds of posts but maintain the quality of your posts. Show creativity in your posts.


Instagram is continuously trolling our new feature to make it a better platform. Keep yourself updated with new features and changes made by the Instagram app. Keep feeding your audience what they’re looking for. Keep yourself hungry for creativity and skills.